President and CEO, Head of Global Innovation & Technology, HelpMeSee; Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA
If you weren’t an ophthalmologist, what would you be doing instead?
If I were not an ophthalmologist or in medicine, I think I would still be involved in some type of humanitarian work. It is hard to think of a more important vocation than something that relieves suffering. Currently, I work with a non-profit organization, HelpMeSee, that was founded by Jim Ueltschi. We strive to eradicate blindness by educating surgeons to become competent in cataract surgery. It is a small part of a much larger solution to relieve the suffering of the millions of people who are blind. Although our work may only address one problem in a sea of problems that face our world, I strongly believe if everyone did their part to work towards relieving suffering of any kind, the world would be a better place.