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The Opthamologist Power List
The Opthamologist Power List

Power List

Dennis S.C. Lam

Dennis S.C. Lam

Power List Profile

Chairman & CEO, Hong Kong C-MER International Eye Care Group Ltd; Director, the CMER International Eye Research Center of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen); Editor-in-Chief, Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology (APJO), Hong Kong

Why did you decide to pursue ophthalmology/your subspecialty?

The eye is the window of our soul. Its structural delicacy and the need for microsurgery attracted me a lot. Vision is of utmost importance in the era of information age and I would like to keep abreast of the latest technologies and apply them where appropriate. Ophthalmology related technologies are amazing and never disappoint me.

What’s been the biggest breakthrough in ophthalmology/your specific field over the last 10 years?

I think one of the biggest breakthroughs in ophthalmology is gene therapy. There are many genetically related eye diseases that have no cure or treatment, but gene therapy makes the once impossible now possible. The successful revolutionary Leber’s congenital amaurosis gene therapy has made history and raised hopes for possible treatments to other genetically eye diseases.

Is there a particular tool, technological advance, or instrument you would not have been able to live without over the past 10 years?

Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy: this is a strong supplement to BIO and assists my VR practice, including screening for myopia patients before refractive surgeries.

What is your prediction for where ophthalmology/your subspecialty will be 10 years from now?

AI, big data, and chat GPT, and so on will play a much bigger role in our ophthalmic practice.

Do you have any personal missions for the next 10 years?

To become one of the pioneers in developing ophthalmic innovation and technology.

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