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The Opthamologist Power List
The Opthamologist Power List

Power List 2024

Kaweh Mansouri

Kaweh Mansouri

Power List Profile

Consultant Ophthalmologist, Swiss Visio, Lausanne, Switzerland; Adjoint Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Colorado, Denver; Executive Vice President, World Glaucoma Association

What industry trends are catching your attention right now?

Improvements in imaging of optic nerves in high myopia, remote monitoring of IOP and visual fields.

What is a little-known fact about you?

I relax by reading international newspapers… but only on paper.

Make a bold prediction for the future of ophthalmology.

Glaucoma will be a curable disease within a generation.

If you weren’t an ophthalmologist, what would you be doing instead?

Aiming to lead a Fortune 500 company, or tending to black nose sheep in the Swiss Alps.

How do you think AI and machine learning will impact ophthalmology?

They will improve diagnostic capabilities and streamline development of ocular therapeutics. It will empower ophthalmologists to better diagnose and individualize management.

What global trends in eye health should ophthalmologists be aware of?

Working conditions for the average ophthalmologist may deteriorate in developed countries as populations age and more will need to be done with reduced health care budgets.

And the burden of glaucoma-related visual impairment in Africa will increase dramatically as currently young demographics will also age within a generation – with no increase in health care personnel in sight.

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