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The Opthamologist Power List
The Opthamologist Power List

Power List

Rohit Shetty

Rohit Shetty

Power List Profile

Vice Chairman and Clinician Translational Scientist, Narayana Nethralaya, Bengaluru, India

What’s been the biggest breakthrough in ophthalmology/your specific field over the last 10 years?

The biggest breakthrough is newer lenticule procedures in refractive surgery that can create a new dimension in refractive surgery.

Is there a particular tool, technological advance, or instrument you would not have been able to live without over the past 10 years?


Do you have any strong opinions with which the rest of the field tends to disagree?

Biomarker-driven ophthalmology is the future of our practice.

What would you like to see change in ophthalmology/your subspecialty over the next 10 years – and why?

I wish we could offer more customization for every individual's needs.

Where do you predict ophthalmology/your subspecialty will be 10 years from now?

Everything will be personalized – from IOLs to refractive lasers on the cornea.

Do you have any personal missions for the next 10 years?

Create a biomarkers point of care diagnostics in all branches of ophthalmology.

Who would you invite to your dream dinner party?

Father of phaco, Charles Kelman!

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