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The Opthamologist Power List
The Opthamologist Power List
Soosan Jacob

Soosan Jacob

Power List Profile

Director and Chief, Dr. Agarwal's Refractive and Cornea Foundation, Senior Consultant, Cataract and Glaucoma Services, Dr. Agarwal’s Group of Eye Hospitals, Chennai, TN, India

Make a bold prediction for the future of ophthalmology.

Completely online evaluation, AI-assisted diagnosis and medical treatment, increasing robotic assistance in surgery, completely dropless recovery, a spectacle free world at all ages, gene therapy curing many hitherto untreatable conditions. These will happen – the only question is when. Some will take years, some a few decades, and some maybe even more. But all will eventually happen (unless humankind is mindless enough to self-destruct before that).

If you weren’t an ophthalmologist, what would you be doing instead?

In another possible avatar I’d like to think I would still be searching for solutions and thinking differently.

What industry trends are catching your attention right now?

One is my own pet project and my baby: corneal allogenic intrastromal ring segments (CAIRS). I am very grateful that CAIRS has become widely accepted around the world among patients, ophthalmologists, and the industry alike.

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